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2 min read

Tips to Start the New Year Right

Tips to Start the New Year Right
Tips to Start the New Year Right
As 2020 comes to a close, people are starting to write out their New Year’s resolutions and take charge of their life. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail, and many people start to lose their motivation by mid-February...

As 2020 comes to a close, people are starting to write out their New Year’s resolutions and take charge of their life. Unfortunately, roughly 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail, and many people start to lose their motivation by mid-February. Don’t become a part of this statistic this new year. Now is the perfect time to follow these tips to start 2021 off to a great start.

Set your priorities

When you are seeking to accomplish multiple goals in the new year, it’s necessary to set your priorities. Go through your list of resolutions and try to determine the most important to you. It is best to create a short list of 1-3 priorities to help you avoid becoming overwhelmed if you have multiple goals you want to reach.

If being active for 30 minutes a day or spending the mornings off your phone is part of your New Year’s resolutions, then make time for it. Don’t hesitate to say “no” to others when it comes to your priorities.

Set realistic goals

Now that you have your resolutions written down, you need to set realistic goals for the year. SMART goals is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely goals.

  • Specific – Set real numbers with real deadlines.
  • Measurable – Make sure your goal is trackable.
  • Attainable – Work towards a goal that is challenging, yet achievable.
  • Relevant – Set a goal that aligns with the bigger picture and is relevant to your life.
  • Timely – Give yourself a deadline.

This simple formula is an effective tool that will give you a sense of direction and provide the motivation you need to reach your goals for the new year.

Create daily habits

Following a daily routine enables you to know exactly what tasks need to be completed and helps you organize your time during the day. As you create your goals and set your priorities, try implementing some of them as new daily habits. This will help you feel more accomplished and motivated to go after your day. A few examples of creating daily habits include drinking 60 oz of water daily, spending 30 minutes outdoors, waking up at 7 am during the weekdays or limiting yourself to only one cup of coffee a day.

Know your limits

You don’t want to enter the new year with high expectations only to stress and burn yourself out. While stress is important when it comes to tackling urgent tasks first, having too much stress can cause burn out and affect both your mental health and physical health.

It’s crucial that you push yourself and get out of your comfort zone. However, it is also important to have enough self-awareness to know when enough is enough. If you are overworking yourself, set your limits and make time for self-care.

At Garcia Weight Loss & Aesthetics Centers, we are here to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions! Jump into the new year looking and feeling your absolute best with one of our customized weight loss plans. Book your free consultation online to discover the welcoming community of Garcia Weight Loss!