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Rethink Your New Year’s Resolution | Medical Aesthetics & Weight Loss Providers located in Tampa, Riverview and Palm Harbor, FL | Garcia Weight Loss Aesthetics & Hormone Therapy

Written by Garcia Weight Loss | Dec 17, 2019 5:00:00 AM
Are you tired of making the same New Year’s resolution every year? You’re not alone. Most Americans abandon their resolution by February due to the unrealistic expectations they set for themselves...

Are you tired of making the same New Year’s resolution every year? You’re not alone. Most Americans abandon their resolution by February due to the unrealistic expectations they set for themselves. You may be surprised to hear that how you word your New Year’s resolution affects your ability to stick with it. Motivation is a mind game, but we know this year is your year to crush your goals. Here’s a tip to help:

Focus on Generalities

Some people benefit from setting specific goals and sticking to a strict schedule. The problem is that most people get discouraged when they don’t reach their goal in the time frame they initially set. If this sounds like you, consider setting a general New Year’s resolution.

For example, instead of making your resolution I will lose x pounds in one month, say I will make healthier choices this month. By setting a general goal, you grant yourself the freedom to move at your own pace and not get disappointed if things don’t work out as you had hoped.

Making healthier choices sounds easier than losing weight, yet it will inevitably lead to weight loss. Perhaps you’ll choose to cook at home instead of eating out. Or maybe you’ll bike to a friend’s house instead of driving. A general goal mentally sets yourself up for success.

2020 is a new decade, which means it’s a fresh start for you to finally accomplish all of your goals. Every previously abandoned resolution is behind you. This is your year to experience healthy living!

The best way to achieve your weight loss goals? Call Garcia Weight Loss! We have personalized plans that are designed to fit the specific needs of each individual.

From Weight Loss to wellbeing, the Garcia Centers are here to help you look and feel your absolute best. Put your best foot forward this decade by joining our community of weight loss patients. Book your no-cost consultation today!