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Research Shows Being Overweight Increases Risk For Cancer | Medical Aesthetics & Weight Loss Providers located in Tampa, Riverview and Palm Harbor, FL | Garcia Weight Loss Aesthetics & Hormone Therapy

Written by Garcia Weight Loss | Oct 30, 2018 4:00:00 AM
New research shows that maintaining a healthy weight is critical to preventing cancer in women. Two new studies report that being overweight increases cancer risk, especially for women...

New research shows that maintaining a healthy weight is critical to preventing cancer in women. Two new studies report that being overweight increases cancer risk, especially for women. The latest reports are part of growing evidence that suggests a normal body weight is directly tied to a longer lifespan.

A recent British study reports that obesity is on track to overtake smoking as the single biggest cause of preventable cancer in British women.

A study released in October reports that obesity doubles younger women’s colon cancer odds.

While overall more males than females are overweight, obesity has a greater effect on women. Some of the common obesity-related cancers predominantly affect them, such as breast and womb cancers, according to the Cancer Research UK report.

Obesity to overtake smoking as single biggest cause of preventable cancer

The Cancer Research UK report, which states that obesity is on track to overtake smoking as the single biggest cause of preventable cancer in British women, put the spotlight on the dangers of obesity.

The research states that 9% of cancer in British women is caused by obesity, while 10% of women’s cancer is caused by smoking. The group projects that if trends continue, obesity as a cause of cancer in women will overtake smoking in the United Kingdom.

Obese women double their risk for colon cancer

While rates of colon cancer have declined overall, research reveals that colon cancer in younger Americans in on the rise.

In an a WebMD article about the study, women aged 20 to 49 who were overweight or obese had up to twice the risk of colon cancer before age 50, compared with normal-weight women. Washington University in St. Louis professor Yin Coa, the co-author of this research, said that they knew obesity was a possible reason for rising colon cancer rates among young adults:

“Our findings really highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, beginning in early adulthood, for the prevention of early onset colorectal cancer. We were surprised by the strength of the link.”

~ study co-author Yin Cao

Weight gain is a symptom of other health problems

Most weight-loss programs use methods that target a symptom — excess weight — but fail to address the underlying causes of weight gain.

Counting calories or assigning points to foods are cookie-cutting dieting methods that may help you lose weight in the short term. But traditional weight-loss programs don’t work long-term because they don’t address the cause of the weight gain.

The conventional weight-loss programs don’t address that weight gain is often a symptom or side effect of something else going on inside your body! The underlying health factors contributing to your weight gain cannot often be addressed using conventional dieting methods over time.

Garcia Weight Loss approach is different

Our weight loss program is different from the cookie cutter approach. We have an evidence-based approach to weight loss, designed to increase metabolism and optimize health.

To lose excess weight, you must first identify the root cause of your weight gain, then make improvements to your health as needed to enhance your body’s ability to burn calories, use energy, and facilitate weight loss. In short, you need to adopt habits that allow your body to work more efficiently and help increase your metabolism.

Contact us today to get more information about our program. We don’t provide you with a “diet;” we develop a way to get you back on the road to wellness and allow your body to lose weight.