Is persistent hair loss becoming a nightmare for you? Is a receding hairline affecting your overall look and confidence? You are not alone.
Hair loss affects approximately 80 million Americans. Typically, most people lose 100 hair strands a day. However, new strands grow quickly to replace the lost ones, and therefore, you won’t notice much difference. But when fewer or no hair strands grow back and you notice thinning areas, then you are likely to have alopecia.
For effective treatment, it is first important to accurately diagnose the cause of hair loss. Here are some factors that may cause hair loss in men and women:
In addition to the above, stress, poor diet, or childbirth can cause hair loss temporarily due to hormonal changes that occur in the body.
Discussed here are a few ways you can prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth:
Consult dermatologists for hair loss prevention medications. There are some common medications that may help alleviate the symptoms of hereditary baldness. However, make sure you consult a dermatologist before you use such medications to prevent hair loss and allow new hair to grow.
If the above hair loss prevention solutions are not delivering effective results or you are suffering from permanent hair loss, you may consider getting cosmetic treatments. Discussed here are some widely popular cosmetic treatments for hair loss.
If you do not want to take medications every day to treat hair loss, then laser therapy may be a good option. A low dosage of laser therapy may help address various hair loss conditions such as heredity, chemotherapy, alopecia areata, etc.
One of the best laser treatments for alopecia is Sunetics. It uses Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) that helps stimulate the growth of hair follicles, helping them regrow naturally into a thick, healthy hair. The FDA-approved technology promotes healthy hair growth, with no potential side effects, no pain, no surgery, or no medications.
Sunetics laser therapy is applied directly to the scalp, which is then absorbed by the hair follicles. This helps improve blood circulation to the follicles and boost their nutrient absorption. Over time, the follicles will start to repair and grow into a full-sized healthy hair.
In this type of hair loss treatment, your dermatologist will inject corticosteroids into the areas of receding hairline. It is most suitable for people having a few patches of alopecia areata. The injections are administered every 4-8 weeks as required, and you can expect new hair to grow within 12 weeks.
This is an effective and safe hair loss treatment, wherein the cosmetic surgeon will draw your blood in small amounts and place it into a machine. The blood is then separated into parts. One part of the blood, containing plasma, is then injected into the thinning area. The entire process takes around 10 minutes and typically, does not have any downtime.
You will need to return at least once a month every 3 months for the injections.
If you are looking for a more permanent and effective hair loss solution, then hair transplantation can be an ideal option. It is suitable for addressing the conditions of pattern baldness or receding hairline.
The Bottom Line
A nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle, and self-care – along with the above treatment solutions – play an integral role in preventing and treating hair loss.
Suffering with hairloss and don’t know where to start? We offer effective, non-surgical treatments here at Garcia Aesthetics. Fill out our form to schedule a consultation.