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3 min read

How to Get Clear Skin for Back-to-School Season

How to Get Clear Skin for Back-to-School Season
How to Get Clear Skin for Back-to-School Season
Does it seem like every time school starts to roll around your acne starts to flare up again? Trust us, you’re not alone! The stress associated with school starting can be to blame for your unruly red bumps...

Does it seem like every time school starts to roll around your acne starts to flare up again? Trust us, you’re not alone! The stress associated with school starting can be to blame for your unruly red bumps. Although it’s hard to resist, picking and popping isn’t the solution. Because of this, we want to share with you the secrets to achieving clearer skin this back-to-school season.

Wash your face…TWICE!

Yep, twice. Once in the morning (after sleeping on your pillow that you haven’t washed in weeks, yuck) and once before bed. This is what will help properly cleanse your face and free it of not only dirt, debris, and excess oil, but also dead skin cells!

Note: Twice is enough, more than that and you’re risking damaging your skin.

Assign specific towels for just your face.

If you’re the type to dry your face with the same towel you use to dry your body, it’s time to switch it up. It’s always a good idea to set aside a few towels that are strictly for your face, so you don’t risk cross-contaminating.

Bonus tip: use a white towel so it’s easier to tell when it’s dirty!

Use a mild cleanser (foaming is even better!)

Acne-prone skin? A foam cleanser with lactic or glycolic acid is your friend. They help flush dead skin cells without harming your skin.

Our recommendation: Obagi Nu-Derm® Foaming Gel

Obagi Nu-Derm® Foaming Gel

Use a toner.

Toner comes in so many different shapes and sizes nowadays. No longer are the days of super drying toners that cause your skin to peel and tighten. Want exfoliation? Look for toners that have BHAs. Want moisture? Look for toners with hyaluronic acid or vitamin E.

Our recommendation: Obagi-C® C-Balancing Toner

Obagi-C® C-Balancing Toner

Pick the right moisturizer.

You might be thinking, “oily skin = hydrated skin”, so why would I need a moisturizer? But it might be the opposite. When your skin is dehydrated, your oil glands tend to produce more oil than usual as a way of overcompensating. That’s why it’s so important for all skin types to find a good moisturizer. Look for moisturizing products that are “non-comedogenic” to reduce the risk of blocking your pores.

Our recommendation: Obagi Hydrate® Facial Moisturizer

Obagi Hydrate® Facial Moisturizer

Need to treat scars? Look for retinol.

Retinol is a popular nighttime ingredient that is great at rejuvenating the skin while treating acne and acne scars. Be wary though, Retinol should only be used at night because of its sensitivity to light. If exposed to direct sunlight, retinol can cause damage to the skin. Additionally, because this ingredient is so powerful, make sure to slowly add retinol to your nighttime routine over time to not irritate your skin.

Bonus tip: Look at what products and ingredients are and aren’t good when paired with retinol!

Our recommendation: Obagi® Retinol 1.0

Obagi® Retinol 1.0

Get good sleep.

I know, it seems like the solution to everything is sleep, but it’s true! When you’re asleep, your body regenerates and rejuvenates itself, and this includes your skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have the time to produce new skin cells and rehydrate your skin.

Keep your routine simple and consistent.

Consistency is key! It can take weeks for your skin to acclimate to a new product or routine. That means the simpler and more intentional your skincare routine, the easier it will be to stick to it. You might be tempted to try all the latest and greatest skincare trends, but by doing that, you’re making it more difficult for yourself to notice what works and what doesn’t work for your skin. Not to mention that you could also just irritate your skin and cause inflammation.

Keep your routine simple and consistent.

Consistency is key! It can take weeks for your skin to acclimate to a new product or routine. That means the simpler and more intentional your skincare routine, the easier it will be to stick to it. You might be tempted to try all the latest and greatest skincare trends, but by doing that, you’re making it more difficult for yourself to notice what works and what doesn’t work for your skin. Not to mention that you could also just irritate your skin and cause inflammation.

Treat yourself to a facial!

Book yourself a relaxing, hydrating, and exfoliating facial! Facials performed by professionals are great for safely removing whiteheads and blackheads while eliminating oil and other debris that can be clogging your pores.

Good news for you, we’re running a back-to-school facial special for just $75! Book at this link before the end of the month and you’ll receive a free Obagi cleanser too!